i just bought some 6/0 flat waxed thread from bass pro shops, its Dansville brand. i tried it and got super mad cuz it kept fraying where it would come out of the bobbin tube, so i declared that the thread SUCKED! later upon closer inspection, i saw a small nick in the tube, the main culprit.
I had a similiar problem. My bobbin would constantly cut the thread. I took some 800 grit paper and a tooth pick and worked the inside tip of the opening. I figured I had nothing to loose by trying. This worked for me but can’t say it will work in everyone’s case.
David, this will be a recurring problem with any metal tube bobbin. It can be cured as suggested with fine sandpaper or emery cloth, but the easiest and longest-lasting cure is a ceramic bobbin. You can find one made in India which works well for about $7, or the Griffin for about 10-12 bucks. They are both well worth the money.
alright. i took my finest sandpaper (400) to it and it still frays it a lil. ill try putting the paper on a toothpick so i can get the inside of the lip, instead of just the outside…
Try “Jewelers Rouge”. Ask for a bit of it at your local jeweler. It is just about the finest polish made. A good friend of mine is a jeweler and he keeps my bobbins in tip top shape.
you got a drill or a dremel? Insert a toothpick, and then use toothpaste for the abrasive. It will work, but there’s not as much abrasive in toothpaste as in some things.
The suggestion to retire the bobbin to use with lead wire or some such is a good one. Invest in a couple (or a dozen) good ceramic bobbins, keep them loaded with the threads you use all the time, will save you time and hassle of loading bobbins all the time. And old metal tube bobbins work very well for wire weight.
If you have a glass bead you can glue it to the tip of the bobbin with crazy clue or similar product. Another fix is to place a rubber tube over the the end of the bobbin and have it hang over the tip by about a 1/2". Your local hardware store just might have a scrap section of small tubing they would give you for pennies if not free.
i never thought to use toothpaste…seems like its worth a try.
i am thinking of investing in a ceramic bobbin tho. are that realy that good??? anyone kno where i could get one for cheap and very low shipping? do the ceramic ones chip like a ceramic pot would?
I had this problem with my bobbin when I first got it not too long ago. I used some 800 grit sand paper, then ran som 0000 steel wool through it. After that, some clear nail polish just around the throat at the tip to fill anything that needed filled. Haven’t had a problem since, though I won’t buy any more metal tube bobbins. Too much headache for something so simple.
yeah dave, try using a little bit or your nail polish you got for christmas, just a nice even coat on the inside and the outside lip. I havent had a problem with mine but im thinking of going to check later and try that if theres nt thing wrong.
I bought my ceramic bobbin at bass pro several months ago for about 10-15 dollars. So far I really like it and have not had any problems with it cutting the thread (as I did with the bobbins I had been using up to that point). So, I suggest getting the ceramic. It does make a difference. Good luck to you.
me and david are just kids tho, thats why we were wanting an at home, cheap fix since we’re tight on money, i just spent $80 at BPS with david and that about drained me, so thats why we were wanting cheap stuff.
I sell a couple thousand metal-flaired bobbins a year and before I ship them to customers I “ream” them out. I use a Dremell Tool and a special bit I made. The bit is made out of a 1.5" section #10 copper wire. I put the wire in the Dremell, turn on the Dremell, turn on my belt sander, and shape the end of the “bit” to a rounded point that will just fit inside the flaired end of the bobbin. Two seconds with that bit spinning inside the bobbin barrel and it seems to take care of most “fraying/cutting” thread problems.