I have a Rite bobbin I use for spinning hair. The tube or shaft is starting to turn where it enters the black thread holder. It appears to be epoxied into place. Do you think cleaning and applying new epoxy would take care of the tube from twisting?
Thanks for any advise or experience with this problem.
(Would rather fix myself if possible. Not good at returning products)
IF the bobbin is all metal, you can soilder it back together. IF there is plastic on it, epoxy is a better choice. Just make sure to clean bother pieces very well. Probably be better to separate them to clean then fix them. If you use epoxy, use a strong version not the 5 minute stuff. Roughen up both pieces and use a good amount beyond the break, too. The repair will last longer that way and you can sand it down later to fit your hands better.
Unfortunately this seems to be a problem with the Rite bobbin as it happened to mine and several others have told me the same. Hopefully the manufacturer has had enough feedback to address the problem and get it right. I love this bobbin, but, for what you spend, you shouldn’t have to fix a manufacturer problem.
Investigating just a tad further, it appears there is a small shaft in the spool part of the bobbin that the tube fits over. The tube slides over the shaft and then is epoxied. I thought the tube was continuous into the spool holder but it isn’t. It’s independent. I too, really like this bobbin and felt it is worth the money. If this fix works, I will be happy again.
I had a Rite Bobbin that I bought specifically for spinning hair…Had the same problem you did, and fixed that with Epoxy glue…that ‘fix’ worked…unfortunitly the bobbin finally gave out-the plastic spool insert broke, and that finished the thing for good.
I think that it just couldn’t handle the torque with one end of the spool insert unsupported.
I’m now looking for a beefier replacement (I won’t buy another Rite).
You and a couple of others had a problem with our bobbins. Usually, we like to have defective bobbins returned, but it appears you have solved the problem yourself. Hair spinners put a lot of pressure on the bobbin, we do not have many problems like these, but it is an easy fix when it happens. We use super glues (CA) that have higher bonding strengths that can purchased retail. The formula of the product we used was changed by the manufacturer with no alert to us and it caused some problems awhile back. We believe it is solved now and are using a new, very high impact, industrial strength CA and have not seen the issue. Any bond can be overpowered, however, our advice is to keep the pressuse in line with the spool shaft, especially when putting a lot of pressure on the bobbin. This eliminates torque and your bobbin should last forever. If not, send it back for free repair or replacement. Incidentally, the very first Cermag is owned by well-known hair spinner, Chris Helm in Ohio. The bobbin is still in service after all these years. Bottom line, we want you tying happily and will do whatever it takes to accomplish this when it comes to our products!
I am in no way associated with the manufacturer of the Rite bobbin, but would like to give my $0.02 worth here.
I have meet the new owner of Merco, the maker of the Rite bobbin, at fly fishing shows over the past couple of years. He impressed me as someone who really has customer service and product quality at the forefront of his business plan. I would take him up on his offer to fix or repair. He really wants happy and satisfied customers.
That is your option but I can tell you that the current owners of the Rite bobbins will go out of their way to fix you bobbin if you contact them. I’ve had them repair, for a very modest amount of money, a couple of bobbins which I broke the ceramic tubes on and now they are as good as new. I strongly recommend taking Lyle up on his offer.
Thank you for taking the time to address this problem. I did, in fact, come up with a solution that worked and am happy with it. I am one who doesn’t like returning things. I actually purchased this bobbin at Chris Helms’s recommendation and am not sorry. I will be owning others and have no problem continuing to recommend it as one of the best.