Help with info on an Actionflex fiberglass fly rod model SC

I need help with info on an Actionflex fiberglass fly rod model SC 202-A I searched the web first and found nothing any help would be great. Thanks

Wish I could hlep you on this one but I am not familiar with that particular rod. There is a forum on, fiberglassflyrodders where there are many knowledgable folks on fiberglass that may be able to give you information on your find…good luck

Thanks for the reply. I will check them out again. First tme I tried I had a problem logging on.

There was an Actionrod fiberglass fly rod, but the Actionflex might just be it’s model or flex 8) designation by the company that actually built it . A picture or description of the rod would be helpful in determining what the SC 202 A is

The person that gave me the rod said his dad was the original owner and that it was never broke even though it is a two peice with one section (tip) being much shorter. The model number does not look like it descibes the rod at all. It is about 8 foot long dark brown in color with all original guides (to few of them though)

Get a copy of Fiberglass Fly Rods by Victor R Johnson & Victor R Johnson, Jr at a library or _____to research the rod. Hvaen’t found anything at first glance, but read the book over 10 years ago & now it’s just reference !

I kinda hate to have to buy an other book to find out just a little about this old rod. I’m just going to go ahead and refinish it and then see how it cast then posibly fish it. thanks for the info though Dave

Try the Benson Ford research center at the henry ford meseum. I think they have some reference material on actionglass rods. search under “fishing”

Thyanks I’ll do that.