:tieone:I have a montague fly rod.
The rod case marking that says 1RF Rapidan fly 8.5 ft.3/2.
It is like brand new if fished at all.
Well back to my question, can anybody tell me what weight line it might use?
The only thing the rod itself has on it is Rapidan.
I am still new to fly fishing about five years on and off but back on again and would love to dry fly fish with this beauty.
Well any help would be appreciated!
Sounds like a lower end Montague. Should weigh about 5 1/2 ounces. Line for it will probably be a 6 or a 7wt. When new it sold for about $ 8.00.
Nix, I don’t believe in rules, so just try a line you have already and see how it feels. After 10 minutes or so casting, you’ll get a feel as to whether you need a heavier or lighter line. Trust your instincts!!
The rod will be a relatively moderate action, which is probably slower than you’re used to. Hope that helps!
Montague made different style Rapidan fly rods, some with 10" grips & some with 6" grips. If it’s the shorter cork grip try a DT-5-F or WF-6-F:cool:
I’m not sure how many different Rapidan models there are, but mine is also a 8 1/2’ 3-piece model. I found that I had to go up to a 7-weight before I liked it.
Just a word of thanks to all that posted help for me.
I will start with a 5 wt. and work my way up to a 7 wt…