help tired of working in the dark

As I am getting older my eyes are not seeing very well and i need a new light or new eyes, think new light would be easier am using ordanary lamp with 30 w HG light bulb but still cant see well does anyone have suggestions on best lamps for fly tying


You may want to check out an Ott-Lite.

"Hampton Bay 27-Watt Sunlight Desk Lamp $19.97
model 1127
replacement bulb model 9024BFM27 6,500K Daylight

                            I bought mine at Home Depot, good for the price.


You need a good light source… you will get many suggestions about light sources …good luck…just get a lot of light…sunlight lamps are good

And this I feel strongly about…magnification

You are going to see most will suggest …the magnifier that is attached to a light…bull roar

And there will be other suggestions about prescription…glasses…readers…etc. …but I don’t know why the head loop magnifiers aren’t the gold standard.

It doesn’t have to be these but I use it as an example…

The head loop allows you …mobility…& use with your readers…you can watch TV with them…Oh. did I say mobility …I can go to another room and back…you know move around…just flip them up and I can go out and plant flowers…:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Bottom line versatility & magnification…mine have 3 different magnifications…good when I want to get down and dirty…

Very handy…

The usual fly shops have these [but not as versatile as mine] … very over priced…

Get an OTT light!!! I was lucky I didn’t have to buy one I won one in the monthly draw and it’s great!!!


I’ve used the McKenzie lamp (see Orvis or Cabela’s). Expensive compared to others listed here, but very good looking, and small and it attaches to my portable tying bench.

I went to a pair of cheap reading glasses and the combo of good light and magnification really makes a difference.

I have a U23020 Daylight Lamp with magnifier from Cabelas. The on-line price is $99.99 I paid $89.99 at the store. I gives you a great no shadow light and it can be adjusted with the snake like stem.

OTT Light, but don’t buy it at retail. JoAnn Fabrics has these on sale regularly or Ebay. Prices vary drastically on these and there is no need to spend twice what you need to spend to get the same thing.

What Duck said!!!

A good light helps but a head loop brings it all in focus!

I’m with JAd, I bought mine at Home Depot also, and, for the money, it’s the best light I’ve used. Too many out there are quite pricey and I don’t feel I have to spend the money to get the performance. This light is a lot of bang for the buck. I demo tie at a couple of shows a year and this light puts out, with a bulb that gives a true color picture of whatever you’re tying.
I would recommend this light to anyone - beginner through professional. I also build several rods each year and this light is invaluable to me in that process.
Good luck on your choice.

In general you won’t ever need lamps described as “True sunlight spectrum”, “Equal to narural sunlight”, These lights are needed for very critical professions like color matching industrial paints or fabrics. These lights will simply be much, much, more expensive

I my humble opinion, and experience, you will need is a light that gives more than adquate light,and a light that is on a goose neck or that can be infinately adjusted. The light position should be so that there is not a glare coming back to the tyer, (my biggest complaint with an “Ott light’ style). My favorite light is a is one that came off the Lowes bargin/discontinued item table. It is 24” tall with the last 12" a goose neck that can be adjusted so the light seems to come over my shoulder, no glare.

As for reading glasses they are a great help even if you don’t think you need them. use the highest diopter that is comfortable, I use 2.75-3.00 keep in mind the higher the diopter the closer you will need to be to the fly in order to be in focus.

hope this helps


The Ott lights are great lights but so is the Hampton, the later a lot less expensive. I made a wooden base for mine and it serves two functions .


I have a few lamps…my favorite at the moment is missing in action, but the Hampton you’ve been shown is quite nice and affordable …as well there are a number of Ott lamps that fit the bill very nicely. Keep an eye out. They had a bunch of Ott or “Daylight” desk top lamps at Costco before Christmas. I don’t see them on the online catalog, so I don’t know if they are gone or just not posted.

There are a lot to choose from. You’ll just need to think about what is going to suit your situation best.

Check out you local craft / hobby shops too.

What you want to stay clear of are these
and others like these. They are halogen lamps. They get very hot…AND if you happen do be stupid like me…laying a pair of reading glasses on the arm will short it…and you should see the fire works. :shock: Actually is just a huge blinding flash, then all you have is just a piece of scrap after that. :?

Listen in! My Fishing Tunes

I’m wih JAd and Kglissmeyer. The 27 Watts is great and doesn’t built up with heat. Therice alone is worth the purchase

Joann Fabrics has the Ott Lights and bulbs at 50% off locally. Check their web site too.

I used the Ott, 18w. I just got the 13w table top model and like it better. I actually get better use of the light with the 13w because I can position it over the hook better. It is also more compact and can travel better if the need arises.

That 27 watts interests me…hard to find a daylight table lamp of that strength…

PLEASE! Show me where I can find that light for that price. A link or a location to shop.

Joe, This is all I’ve come up with on the web…seems like Home Depot doesn’t have it… at least according to the internet…and this link doesn’t seem to sell…somewhere else it was mentioned Lights of America apparently distributes to the big boys…

When is the last time you saw your eye Doctor?

On soapbox:
Being an eye Doctor I am amazed that people will go see their dentist every 6 months (whether they need to or not), yet they will put off getting their most-prized sensory organ checked for …y e a r s.

A slight change in your glasses can make a huge difference in seeing up close. Having catartacts removed can be a life-changing event.

Off soapbox.