So I think this is an eared grebe but it’s probably twice the size of any grebe that I have ever seen and has much longer bill. I looked at an identification guide and couldn’t find anything that looked like it, except for eared grebe but this one looks way out of proportion, so much so that I’m thinking it’s something else. Really mature male? I would compare it in size to a large mallard, almost loon-size. Sorry for the crappy pic. The camera was in macro mode all day.
Are these the ones that do the weird ‘dance’? This the ‘Western Grebe’? Two foot long and two foot wingspan? Where they wrap their necks together and run across the water?
It looks to me like a grebe. A member of the cormorant family. I can’t tell the size of the bird from the pic, but it looks like a dead ringer to the birds we have on all the lakes around Spokane. They build floating mats as nests and dive for fish. Dad used to call them Fish Ducks.
I think it is a Western Grebe. They are fun to watch during their mating ritual. Here’s a link:
Everybody’s right…it’s a Western Grebe… the birds that do the interesting mating dance and greeting. Here is a video:
I’ll go for a grebe as well. 8T
It is difficult to tell for sure, but could this be a Clark’s grebe? It is very similar to the Western and often shares the same habitat. It is distinguished by less black plummage, especially on the head so that the eye is surrounded by white. It is best distinguished however by a bright yellow beak vs. the dusky yellow beak of the western. The Sibley Field Guide classifies the Clark’s grebe as uncommon, however the range is very similar to the western.
As it says in the link, THE EYES are a telling factor. The western grebe has a very distinctive RED eye. Can’t tell from th pic the color of it’s eyes.
And the eyes are a very noticable red on the ones around here.
Oh, right, sure, Benjo. Blurry picture. Might be bigfoot, even. S
Clark’s grebe:
western grebe:
notice the position of the eye in relation to the white and black on the head.
eared grebe:
No doubt that is a Clark’s Grebe, it was not listed in the guide I was using. Thanks.
You can check it out here
it is a nice website to recongize birds.