I’m new here, though I’ve been lurking for about 6 years. I started fly fishing over 20 years ago when I was about 10 years old, and have fished in around a dozen different states spanning both coasts (mostly in the rockies) since then.
In the last 5 or so years, this board has helped me find good fishing spots in all my work-related travels to multiple states - Virginia, New York, Texas, Tennessee, and California to name a few.
I appreciate all of the information members have donated in written form to this board, and would like to express my sincere gratitude for that.
As a new member, I hope I can add to the useful information that is already available here. Here’s to a good ride! Cheers! :tieone:
Welcome aboard CO. As you know a good bunch of guys here, some of which are at the Michigan fish in, lucky devils. When they get back I am sure they will give you a warmer welcome.
Hey there CO,
I too welcome you to this site. Although I live in the relatively troutless Midwest, I get out West ( CO, WY) two times a year. It’ll be good to know we have an “on site” source ( you) for info on those areas.
PS: Hopefully, I too will be on the road to the MIFI in the AM tomorrow and assure all that UNLIKE the current attendees, DAILY pics and reports will be posted.
With twenty years experience fly fishing in such a variety of places, no doubt you can contribute much to what goes on around this place.
Always good to see someone new jump in and help out. And keep in mind that photos are always welcome - especially photos from such beautiful country as you have in much of Colorado.
Greetings from So. Oregon, Bro. …Way glad to have ya.
You prob’ly already feel like ya know most of us. Tell us all about stuff wherever you fish, we love to hear it. …Again, Welcome Aboard…ModocDan
Greetings CO_Flyfisher. Welcome to the best fly fishing site on the web.
I’m going to be visiting your neck of the woods the third week of September. We will be taking our family vacation near RMNP and Estes Park. We will be staying in a cabin along the Big Thompson. Can’t wait!
Welcome to the board. There are several foal members from Co that I have met at the Fish-ins in Washington and Idaho. Apparently they head northwest each year to fish because as a couple of them assured me there are no trout in Colorado. Strangely that is the case with British Columbia as there are no fish here either. :mrgreen:
Welcome aboard CO!!! Grab your favorite drink and join right in. The lucky ones are all playing in Michigan at the Fish-In but they’ll be back, Maybe LOL
Thanks for all the warm welcomes!!! I look forward to spending MORE time here now, and I might even post up a pic or two on occasion. I only spent about 25 days on the water in the last year since I’ve been back in CO, so hopefully I can get out more soon. Tight lines!!!
From the Green in Utah a few years ago. Beautiful fish!!!