Hello from the Wood River Valley

This is my first post. My recent fishing luck has inspired me to post here. Thanks to the many posts and articles on this site I have brought my fishing to a new level, or maybe it’s just luck…

The last 3 weekends on the Wood River in Idaho have been fantastic! I’ve caught more fish 14" and larger than in all my years of fishing, well not that many years. I’ve been fly fishing for 10 years and seriously for the last 2. I fish primarly the Wood and sometimes Trail Creek, I haven’t tried Silver Crk yet. I have yet to figure out how to land a fish and take its picture; I think I need another arm.

The single most important tip I’ve picked up here is tieing 6x tippet with 7 turns on a clinch knot, I never loose a fish to a slipped knot anymore.

We are at the tail end of the Red Quill and the fish have been eating a lot!

Thanks for all the great posts and articles!


Hi Doug,

Welcome from Penna! I’m a relatively new poster myself.Yes, this is a wonderful site with very generous folks - from the administrators to the ‘old heads’. There certainly is a wealth of information as you’ve no doubt noticed. Good luck with your fishing.

Best regards, Dave S. (fishdog54)

Hi Doug and welcome to FAOL from sunny SoCal. Hope you figure out the photo stuff. We all like fish pics here. Jim

you’ll like silver creek.

Welcome aboard Doug. Congratulations on you fishing trip, and that was a nice first post. A lot of folks from this site are just now wrapping up a week long Fish-In at Lowell Idaho. They’ve been fishing the Lochsa & Selway rivers of North Idaho. That Fish-In is the last full week of September each year. You should really make plans to attend next year. It’s truly a great outing in beautiful country. Again, welcome aboard.

Thanks for the warm welcome.

I really need to expand my fishing water horizon. The Fish-In sounds like a good time, I’ll try to make it next year. Is it always in the same place?

As for Silver Crk, I don’t have any good excuses for not fishing it yet; I’m just very comfortable fishing the river in my “backyard”.


You are certainly right about Lowell. I went out there about three years ago and was blown away by the beauty of the place. I was hoping to go back this year, but it didn’t work out. I sure wanted to fish with Denny and the gang. I hope to see all of you out there next year.

Always at the 3-Rivers Resort at the confluence of the Lochsa and Selway. That’s where they join together and form the Middle Fork of the Clearwater River. It’s about 97 miles upriver from Lewiston.

Welcome from KS!

doug welcome to the site. i was in your neck of the woods 2 weekend ago and was really impressed with the wood. caught some nice fish up to 16". i also fished the silver, i only caught small fish but saw some really big ones, 1 was close to 30" and my cousin lost on over 20". you should also travel to the s boise for a weekend. you live in a place many like me, travel to fish. have fun. oh and check out this vid on silver


Nice video!

That seals the deal for me, I’ll have to head down there. For some reason I thought you really needed a float tube to fish Silver Crk. but the video shows that to be not true.


there are float tube sections so check out the map at the shack. also you are required to sign in at the shack. the map also shows parking and access points on the preserves property. in addition to the preserve, there are other sections open that are downstream from the preserve, look for the sign on rt 20. there is also a general store on 20 with a great map and a very helpful clerk that volunteers at the preserve. good luck and have fun.