Healing waters address

Someone asked for fly donations a month or two ago, for use by the Healing Waters program
for injured soldiers. I have a bunch of flies, but I lost the address to send them to.

GOOGLE found this


I couldn’t find it with a search, either. However… The Men’s Auxiliary at VFW Post 9644 has adopted Project Healing Waters at Ft Carson and the Denver VA Hospital as our official project.

There is a program at the Ft. Harrison VAMC in Helena sponsored by the Pat Barnes Chapter of Trout Unlimited. You can contact Guy Beaudoin at rockymt@projecthealingwaters.org for the person to contact there.

Tell Guy that Kevin Proctor sent you. He’ll fix you up with a place to use those flys and might even talk you into a day on the stream with the Vets.


I know one of the PHW coordinators here in Washington State, Chuck Tye who is also a Board member on the Washington State Council FFF. You could mail them to me and I will give them to the PHW people, or if you want, I will give it to them to be used as a fund raiser for PHW during the FFF Fly Fishing Fair/Conclave in Montana over in West Yellowstone later on this year. PM me if you want to do either of them.

Larry —sagefisher—

This is their contact page from their web site…


I happen to be the vise-president of the Canadian Arm of PHW…