Heading up to State College, Pa Monday or Tuesday regardless of gas prices

I am heading up to State college with a buddy of mine from work on Monday or Tuesday to fish the Fisherman’s Paradise/Spring Creek and possibly Fishing Creek. If the urge strikes us we may strike out for other waters in the area too. Will be stopping in at Fly Fisher’s Paradise (Fly Shop) To see Steve and company as well as get advice and buy the right flies to match the hatch.

Steve says Spring Creek is hatching Tricos in the morning then switch to terrestrials, mainly ants, in the afternoon. Fishing Creek is terrestrials during the day then Tricos at evening.

Haven’t fished that are in a very long time and memory fades. Any tips and advice you all may have would be greatly appreciated. Hope to have some pictures to post later on. Thanks.

All are welcome to join us there. Just say when and where. We will only be there for the day.:smiley:

Hi Eric - Check your PM’s. This WILL cost you a beer, my friend…;)…Ed

Oh yeah, Trico spinner falls are always in the morning no matter where you are here in PA. Fishing Creek is a good afternoon spot - The Tricos on Spring are where you want to be in the morning. Forget Tricos on Fishing Creek - trust me. If you hit FC in the afternoon, make sure you have some green weenies along. If I’d be you, I’d just stay on Spring…