Head Cement Problem:

In by email:

Al Campbell wrote about head cement. In one paragraph regarding water based cement that he made for himself, he stated he thinned the clear acrylic wood sealer with rubbing alcohol.
After doing an experiment with how much to thin the sealer with alcohol, I need to ask Al the following:
What is your ratio of sealer to alcohol?
None of mine worked at the same success rate as the commercial product I was attempting to copy.
Sincerely, Clint

Publishers Note: Obviously this reader doesn’t know Al passed away - I’ll respond to his email if you have an answer.

lady having rembered email you while trying to reach al myself before i learned of his passing I know how that wait feels. I beleave this artical should help our new friend the mostt. http://www.flyanglersonline.com/flytying/tyingtips/part27.php