Have the LMB been hitting topwater yet?

Has anyone started to do well for LMB yet on topwater? I haven’t noticed much rising yet in my area.

not really over here

I’ve been doing pretty well here in northeast KS on topwater stuff for about a month now. In fact, all the extra rain has kept the ponds and lakes flooded, and deer hair frogs and such have been yielding some nice cats as well as bass fish in the evening along the edges of the flooded grass. Haven’t had much early morning fishing opportunities this year, but that should be just as good if not better.

i got one good bass earlier in the year with a popper. Nothing lately on top, only gills

Our bass have moved to deeper water. 95 degrees here. They were hitting top water like 1.5 months ago here.

Massachusetts votes YES. Last time I tried was a couple of weeks ago and top water worked.


California votes yes, this came off a plastic frog.

I caught two the other day on a Gurgle Pop while aiming for gills. One about 3 lbs that mussed up the weeds pretty good and was a load to bring in. The other about half that, maybe a pound, pound and a half. Later in the afternoon. As hot as it’s been I’d guess this is now early morning, late evening fishing. Hope to do a fair share starting Thursday evening. JGW

While guiding for my kids the other day, I flipped a HairyMara Slider up next to a overhanging small tree. I let it sit and a decent largemouth swam out from under the bush, gave it a sniff and swam back into his hidey hole. A few minutes later, I put it back there, and the same thing happened. Leaving it to sit a few minutes did nothing, and little twitches did not work either. My “clients” needed help soon after, and I was busy for a while. The sunnies were eating the worms faster than I could bait everybody up (we eventually ran out). I did drop a yellow Gurgler into the same spot later, but that got no response.

At my local pond they are chasing bluegill that I have caught pretty aggresively as of this weekend. Son #1 caught a 14 incher on top with a foam spider, but “hitting” on top, not yet.

Fished this morning, using a gurgle pop. caught 5 bass ( small ). All caught tight to weed beds. Caught some blue gills, suspended in aprox. 25 feet of water, with a #14 renigade , dry fly.

caught two near the lilly pads and they were over 4 pounds…wish I could had the camera with me