Has Fishing come up in any state attorney general races?

I know that many states are having very heated Attorney General races? Do you know if any of those races in any state have mentioned fishing related issues (environmental etc.) as part of their platforms?

RF - It is my opinion, the DNR, State Game Commission or Federal Game Commission pretty much does as they see fit to govern the management of fisheries. The only race right now that could impact a fishery is in Oregon. The Kalamath River basin, Fish VS Farmer. You could probably Google “Oregon Live” to find out more. Here in Michigan it is hunting that is in the face of politicians. To either hunt or not hunt the Morning Dove. My opinin is, take one thing away, they look for something else next go-around. Nice you are interested in how a vote could change the way we live. Jonezee

Here in Oklahoma it’s starting to happen. We have a big Lawsuit with the Poultry industry claiming they are dumping chicken waste “poop” into our once beautiful Illinois River watershed. It’s estimated that over 30 millions pounds of this crap is dumped annually and the poultry industry declares apparently that it’s no big deal. It looks like money is being spent by the poultry industry BUYING people in our Oklahoma Scenic River Commission or OSRC.

Now keep in mind that the larger newspapers like in Tulsa are not printing stuff about this… Wonder why that is? Smaller papers are. Maybe the Poultry industry has enfluence over the media and news. I don’t know but that’s my theory.

Scientist are claiming that Lake Tenkiller may be damaged beyond repair… This lake was once clear and beautiful and it feeds the Lower Illinios River in NE Oklahoma, one of our trout Waters. They say the levels of Phosphorus is 10 times higher than what fish can live and reproduce in. Oh, and the river looks aweful and smells currently. The upper Illinios is in no better shape. I remember fishing it and floating it as a young buy and it was so clear and full of fish. It’s nothing like it once was. The lake Tenkiller is now Green rather than clear. This area of Oklahoma resembles parts of Arkansas and the water used to be clear like it is on Beaver lake in Arkansas.

I’d like to see the people claiming it’s all OK drink a glass of this water. Now I can’t say it’s blatent dumping. This Chicken waste is spread on much of the land in Arkansas that feeds this river and watershed. It then enters the river as runoff.

Anyhow, we have elections and people on both sides of the plate. The ones against this lawsuit seem to have recieved some nice funds from the Poultry Industry.

Looks like this lawsuit may be getting some serious interest from other states facing issues that resemble this one.

We need help now before these special interest BUY the elections and dismiss this case.