hello all I`ve been lurking on this board for some time trying to absorb as much info as I can about flyfishing.I have just purchased a Harris Solitude IV flyreel that is right handed and need to convert to left.I have read that these reels are difficult to change over.Can anyone point me in the right direction?Thanks
Haven’t a clue! Just wanted to welcome you to the Board! Someone will be along shortly to explain the procedure, if there is in fact one. As a lurker, you’re probably familiar with most of us. Now it’s our turn!
A little slow on the uptake today … must be football games going on!!
If all else fails, you can email the gentleman mentioned on the Harris fly reels customer service page.
NOTICE TO HARRIS REEL OWNERS (see also Dealer Info page):
All surplus Harris Reel parts have been sold to Bob Wheeler of Haverstraw, New York. Please be advised that Harris Reels are no longer under warranty as the company is no longer in business. Bob?s repair service of Harris Reels is independent of Edco Solitude Reels. Edco Solitude will no longer process repair requests of Harris Reels. The new line of Solitude Reels has been modified significantly, thus new production parts are not compatible with Harris Reels. Bob will welcome repair requests from Harris owners. The purchased inventory is incomplete so there are some repairs that he may not be able to make. However, we are confident that Bob will do all that is possible to help you with repair needs.
Contact Information:
Bob Wheeler
c/o Haverstraw Marina
600 Beach Rd.
West Haverstraw, NY 10993
contact solitude?
Email: sales@solitudereels.com
Phone: (360) 848-6900
bassbugger -
Greetings and welcome from SE Idaho.
A lurker, huh ?? I did that for a while myself, a couple weeks as I recall. Then I just couldn’t resist chiming in on a regular basis. Maybe we’ll get lucky and hear from you regularly ??
Can’t help you with changing over the reel you have ( probably couldn’t with any reel, for that matter ) but if the leads you already have don’t work out, I’m sure someone will get the information for you if you just stick with it.
P.S. If you’re going to hang around here, you might want to fill out the profile.
Also, surprisingly, no one has mentioned yet that the new guy brings the coffee and donuts. I don’t do that kind of thing, so you’ll have to wait for someone else to bring it up.
DONUTS!!! OMG!!! I FORGOT THE DONUTS!!! I just can’t be trusted anymore!! :shock:
If your reel is one made in Michigan you have to remove the directional roller bearing in the clutch assembly and turn it over to reverse the direction. It is a lot easier to change the whole clutch assembly. I have had my Solitude III almost from the day the first ones went on sale. It has been upgraded once and the drag replaced twice. No fault of the reel, fault of a huge bunch of steelhead. Gotta love it.
I don’t know anything about the new reels from Edco. If they didn’t change the original design of the clutch you might be able to change directions like the old ones.
If you can’t figure out where to get it done or how to do it yourself, let me know. I’ll give you ten bucks for your reel.
thanks everyone for the warm welcome,as a newcomer I dont know if i can add much to the topics of conversation but I will try.Thanks for all your input,it was quick.I
ll try contacting Bob Wheeler and see if he can help me out.
If Bob Wheeler can’t help you let me know and I will take a look at mine to see what needs to be done to change it.
The ten buck offer still stands.