My answers will reflect my status as a rank beginner.
Do you want to learn to tie more elaborate patterns, get better at ‘harder’ ties?
Yes, but almost every new pattern I tie has something new for me. I also try my best to get the basics right. Proportion, durability, neatness, etc.
Do you enjoy challenging tying experiences?
Definitely. See last answer. I have hit a couple roadblocks that I haven’t figured out how to get around yet.
Are you looking for easier or faster ways to get your flies tied?
Not really. My fishing needs are not that great. half dozens or so of most patterns have been plenty.
Would a ‘simple’ version of a fly that produces for you be something that’d you would consider?
Not really an issue for me at this point. Were I tying dozens it would matter.
Do you believe that a fly that takes more time and/or skill to tie will catch more fish than a simpler fly?
No. There are too many examples of simple flies that just work, often better than more complex ones. Dave Engerbretson always said the suggestion of life is what to strive for not neccessarily realism. Soft Hackles, wooley buggers, PTNs, EHCs, etc.
Do you tie flies for the enjoyment or relaxation of it, or is fly tying just a necessary chore that you have to do in order to fish effectively?
I definitely enjoy it as a hobby, but I also think it makes me more effective because I can tie patterns never found in fly shops.
Is the ‘purpose’ of your tying to fill your fly boxes?
No. For the majority of the flies I use, I could do that easier and cheaper buying flies.
Do you try to tie new and/or fun looking patterns or flies even though you are unlikely to ever fish with them?
No. In the end they all go on the end of a tippet at some point, or I don’t tie them. Not yet anyway.
Is fly tying an end in itself for you?
Without question. Yes.
Do more intensive tying techniques intrigue you for thier own sake, or are you just looking for flies that will catch more fish?
I would have to say that intensive techniques are a little out of my league at this point. Always looking for a better fish catcher though.
Is it about tying the flies, or about fishing the flies? Both?
As seen from above answers, very much both.
Well, that was clear as mud.