Happy Birthday HRH BETTY HINER. Hope you enjoy it and many More to come. And she still
looks lovely SEE YA!!!
Hope you have a wonderful Day!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday.
Make sure and have a great day!! You deserve it…
Happy Birthday!
All the best to you on this great day! Now go do something fun!
Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday from the east side of KC Betty!!
Betty, Happy Birthday and many more to come.
Hey Betty, Happy Sweet 16.
Pity that they don’t make White Cheddar Cheez-Its with chocolate icing…
Be safe and we’ll see you at MI F-I soon!
Her Royal Highness Of Flybflingin-House of White Cheddar-Betty;
(I thought, being your birthday and all, you deserved to have your entire, regal, title and name used!)
Of course, many, many, HAPPY Birthday wishes coming from me!
It’s so HARD to imagine, reading your highly intelligent posts on here, your vast wisdom shown, your compassion, eagerness to share, as well, as to learn… can all be coming from a young lady, not even old enough, yet, to buy a beer to wash down her White Cheddar Cheez-its without displaying her ID.
To be able to contribute as you do, go “toe to toe” with the likes of Joe V. Ohio Tuber, OhioFly and others that at a minimum are 3 times your age, amazes me!
You’re TRULY a remarkable woman and one I’m very happy to include as “A FRIEND”.
Thank you, all for the wonderful b’day wishes!
<One upside to this birthday … I don’t even need candles on my cake!! I still glow in the dark!!>:p
Dear Betty,
I hope you have a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Betty -
As soon as I get my foot out of my mouth, I’m going to wish you a …
Our very best wishes Betty, here’s to many, many more!
Birthday hugs to you, Betty!
Long live the Queen!
Happy Birthday, Your Majesty!
Happy Birthday!
I hope you are having your best birthday yet. Enjoy your special day.
Again, Happy Birthday!
Oops accidentally started a new post. Happy birthday Betty . The other happy birthday is just as sin sear. Have a great day.
And Last But Not Least!!
Happy Birthday Betty!!
You’ll get several big hugs from a lot of us at the MI Fish-In!!