Awesome, I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
Awesome, I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
Happy birthday Gringo
Let me be the first from the Island Nation of Ohio to send you birthday wishes down under from us here up top. Have a magnificent birthday.
Happy Birthday Gringo!
Happy Birthday!
Hey Gringo, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, what you up to now? Did the kids or the wife get you any fishy prezzies?
All the best.
Happy Birthday, Mate. Lets here about the prezzies, fishy or not.
Happy Birthday Gringo!
Happy Birthday G!!!
A happy birthday to ‘him’ your kidding !
Just one day out of 365 of the year you want ‘him’ to be happy, no, lets say to ‘him’ be happy for 364 days of the year and then remember that on this day he is, you are another year older !
And then feel sorry for him, poor old Le Gringo with all the girls and wife on his case :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Kind regards,
Hey guys, and Uncle Barry: I just saw this thread now.
Thank you so much everyone! This is really neat.
I have no idea what Uncle Barry said in the previous post, I dunno if it is my hearing or my brain, or UB just rambling. You see, he is even older than me. He lives in Queensland which is sort of Australia’s answer to Florida. Full of leathery brown old wrinklies with gold jewellery and white sox. And NO TROUT!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? I’ll bet that even the Island of Ohio has trouties.
Anyway pressies? I had a lovely day. My wives and kid, I mean wife and kids, bought me the TRANS SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA CD, wow I love those guys. If they are America’s apology to the rest of the world for all the other stuff you do, well then I accept.
Also they gave me a book on WW1 about six inches thick, chocolate that I left giftwrapped just to drive them crazy because they are chocoholics, ummmm… some toiletries and coincidentally a shimano overhead game reel arrived in the post. They cooked me a meal of steaks and salads and chocolate cake with cream and strawberries and it was lovely.
Also I am excited because I am 54, and I was born in 54, so for the first time since I was 21 I can remember how old I am! Yippee!
Thanks all!
Good afternoon Le Gringo who by now is almost as old as me.
Baby, your wrong, there is Trout in Queensland, a little secret that most don’t talk about because of our stark raving mad deep dark Greens that live in this state.
They are beautiful Rainbows.
In fact they was a Trout Hatchery till the Second World War.
Kindest regards,
Your ever loving Uncle
Congrats Gringo, from TGP (The Grand Poo-bah)
Thank you Mr Poo, I am humbled and honoured.
Seriously, thank you all, even UB, the Talon-ted frilly-nicker-fly-flinger of the Sunshine State.
(Trout in Q’land? Poor sods.)
WOW! You really have been to Florida. They look like an entirely different species of humanoids, especially in the Miami area.
Oh, and yes, the Island Nation of Ohio has trouts in a few places throughout the state, although the PhoDoughgod finds them to be more annoying than fun because of all the weirdos with skinny sticks and funny bugs at the end of their line that seek them out. Oh, and you should see them dance with joy and high-five each other when they catch a 6" trout. Unbelievable people. They call themselves fly flingers or something odd like that.
I hope you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! & Good Luck with Uncle Barry.
Joe, it saddens me to say that many “Miamans” (?) spill over from their sandy confines to invade other places on the planet to charm and impress us with their superiority, brashness, bravado and coin. I do wish you could contain them.
As to Ohio I am sure that there are redeeming qualities or fine people such as yourself would not inhabit there.
DShock: Uncle Barry is my contribution to FAOL. He is a token of our thanks to the US for the stimulating, enthralling, non stop media coverage in this country of your electoral candidates every move, grimace and smile; every cheer, rally, statistic, and bus tour; the post election tours, interviews, post mortem analyses, predictions and accusations. I humbly deliver Uncle Barry to you in appreciation.
Happy Birthday Gringo!!
Hope your celebrating in the tradition of my Australian friends from my Army days overseas. You folks know how to have fun & Bless you for it!!!