Happy Birthday Flybinder!

Paul, I hope you are having a fun filled day my friend. :smiley:

Paul, I wish you a very Happy Birthday. I hope that you are able to get out and take your granddaughter fishing again.


Happy, happy birthday, Paul!!
Betty (HRH)

Paul, my friend,

I hope and pray that you have a fantastic day and do get a chance to get out and wet a line. You deserve the best!!!

Happy Birth Day Paul.

Happy Birthday Paul


Happy Birthday Paul :smiley:

Happy Birthday, teacher.
Have a great day on Mikey. :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday Paul!! Hope you have a terrific day!

Happy Birthday Paul. Hope youā€™re having a ā€œfishyā€ day.

Wishing you all the best on your birthday Paul. Have a great one.


Dear Paul,
I hope you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! & I miss you on the BB!!

HAPPY [COLOR=Blue]BIRTHDAY![COLOR=Black][SIZE=3] What was your name? Oh, silly me, Paul![/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR]

Happy birthday! Just wanting to let you know you are missed here. We look forward to hearing from you.

Wishing you many happy returns,


Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! Happy Birthday flybinderā€¦:slight_smile:

Happy B-Day Flybinder. Ainā€™t it great to celebrate in March with those of the ā€œgreen persuasionā€?


Hey Paul happy birthday. Hope you got to wet a line and have a good pipe to boot.

Well, here I amā€¦LATE AGAIN!!!

Hope your day was great.

[LEFT]Talk to you real soon!


Hello, All and more seriously, than Iā€™ve usually been, ALL of these Happy Birthday Wishes mean A LOT TO ME, more than most of you can imagine!
Iā€™ve missed the BB, and all my friends Iā€™ve made on here. A greater bunch of ā€œFish Bumsā€, have ever existed, compared to those on this site.
I also want to thank all who sent me private PMs on my birthday as well and yes, Iā€™ll answer those, soon, too.

I also must put forth a ā€œwarningā€ in all fairness, that Iā€™ll soon BE BACK on this BB and HOPEFULLY, soon!?!
Iā€™ve still got ā€œa little leftā€, since Iā€™m not only making a slow, but steady, comeback from this illness, but more importantlyā€¦ this current birthday STILL leaves me nearly HALF AS YOUNG as the likes of Joe V., The Vise Thief, Eric,Marty and a few others I could mention, but wonā€™t!?! (Iā€™m not so MEAN as to intentionally wanting to make grown men cry!).
Thank you, all again, for the heartfelt birthday wishes, your caring and ongoing support!! See you all, SOON!

Hey Paul,