Happy Birthday, Ericwd!!

Hope, ya have a great day and get to spend it on the water, somewhere, fishing!!?!!

:smiley: Have a HAPPY ONE!

Eric -

Have a great time today, but go easy on the jalapenos !!

Happy Birthday.


Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. hope you all get out on the water today.


Happy Birthday Eric! Welcome to your golden years. :stuck_out_tongue:

How old are you anyway? bout 75 I’d guess. :mrgreen:

Happy Birthday Eric, maybe you can get yourself a Gatti!! :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday! Have fun!

Thanks for the well wishes, today I am doing plumbing,
Day started couldnt put this job off any longer, (lewiston has water that stains toilets in a matter of weeks and this one has been here since the 80’s)
Went to Habitat for Humanity thrift store and bought a toilet, ($15 for a $150 three year old toilet) went to home depot and bought the wax ring etc,

Arrived home disasembeled the old toilet and with the help of a punch(my cold chisels are is storage) got the old bowl out and the bolts that held it down out. A little more chiseling and the new bolts went in. kewl so far so good.

Put the wax ring on the “new” toilet then rolled it forward so I could pick it up, the front of the base touched the ground and immediatly shattered in about 4 pieces. I said some choice verbage and requested that my wife drive back down to habitat and purchase another “new” toilet.

I am truely grateful that I didnt make this mistake with a real new toilet and not just a new to me toilet.

I then went upstairs lathered up my arms and now sit here in front of my computer whining. I cant go any where, I’m too dirty, I cant eat, so here I sit.

Hope your day is going well.

That’s a heck of a birthday!! What is it when we get “older”?? I spent mine tearing out old landscaping , laying dirt, mulch, and a bunch of sod! <PS … think I’d rather install a toilet!!>

Eric, we’ve got to do better next year!!!:stuck_out_tongue:

I am sorry to hear about the toilet problems, but I hope you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

From the other Eric, Happy Birthday!


That’s one heck of a way to spend a birthday. Hope it improves considerably as the day goes on. Many happy returns.

I’m geting ready to move and have to spend my days off making the place look better. I hate plumbing, it always takes at least four trips to the hardware store to finish any job.

I have made one additional trip to home depot for another seal, and need one more to HD for a new flapper valve assembly and it will be finished.

Betty I agree, I would rather plumb than haul sod.

In a couple of hours I think I will see if I can catch some gills.

Thanks for the Birthday wishes


Eric -

Did you have jalapenos yesterday ???


Happy Birthday Dad

John nope no Jalapenos yesterday, perhaps it residual from last week :lol:


Somehow, I always get into these posts late…Hope you had a GREAT day!!!

thanks for the birthday wishes, even with the plumbing problems it was a great day.
