Halloween inspired Bass Bug

Halloween Colored Bass Bug with Rattle and adjustable weed guard.


That’s pretty wild! I hate to lose it to a big old bucket-mouth. LOL!!

Best Regards, Dave S.

I haven’t lost one yet, luckily. I fear it’s only a matter of time though. HEHE
It will be a bummer when it does, it takes me a little while to complete just one.

how did you make an adjustable weed guard? also, the body is deer hair all the way back to the tail or is it another material? just a few questions for you great looking bass bug

Hi Jeremy,

The Body is different colored deer hair which is stacked top and bottom to make the pattern. I tied a bass fly for the fly of the week tutorial. I don’t think it has been moved to the archives yet. It describes with pictures on how to make the weed guard.You fold mono and tie on the hook shank at the beginning of the hook bend, Tie the fly and shape it. Lastly tie in the mono on each side, just behind hook eye. Allow extra so you can add beads onto mono and burn the ends to lock the beads in place. Now you can pull on the beads to go weedless or non weedless. The mono slides threw your tying thread. The pictures in the tutorial will give you a better idea. Let me know if I can give you any further info.

Best Regards
