It’s funny. About the only time I miss Washington DC, is when I know the cherry blossoms are about to bloom. They’re supposed to be ready next weekend.
BEAUTIFUL!!! About the only thing that blooms at the inlaws ranch is the cows, oh, that ain’t bloomin’, that is birthin’!
Will try to get some pics when the girls start dropping their calves.
Only thing prettier/as pretty as apple blossoms in Spring IS a newborn calf. Byron, at least I will hold you to those promised pics.
Mark, I will do my best to live fullfill this challenge! Maybe, if I look RREEEEAAAALLLLYYYY hard, I might find a small wild flower too, though they probably won’t be on the order or grandure of those cherry blossoms of Garbs.
… cows in the lower end of the Bitterroot Valley the past couple weeks. Saw a newborn calf yesterday who was still quite wet and wobbly. A little too far out in the field to get a decent pic.
If I do get a good chance, I’ll pitch in here with something that will make Mark wish he was in Wyoming.
This thread just took a remarkable hijack!! Sooooo … I’ll just add to that!
No birthin’ cows … just one with a spiffy hair style!
Garb 72,
Since I appear to be have been the first to to turn your BEAUTIFUL pic thread astray, I do apologize. AND, please feel free to do the same for my thread/s when I feel the urge to share.
PS: John Scott, It’ll take a whole lot less to make me wish I was in Wyoming. As a matter of fact, we’ll be flying right over Laramie in a few hours on our way to Carmel CA. AND, on the subject of birthing, unbeknownst to me, I had one of those critters for dinner ( friends home) the other evening. I generally do NOT do veal or have EVER had lamb onaccounta my 4H membership a “few” years ago. They were my pets…
… Bitterroot Valley MT
Haha its ok, i like cows, i live in the central valley!
Which one?
I live in the small town Laton, South of Fresno and North of Lemoore
Okay, these two were born Mon., pics takes Wed. The first wouldn’t stay still for very long at all. The second couldn’t be bothered, LET ME EAT!@! Wasn’t a flower anywhere to be had, sorry.
Hey Byron,
Who needs flowers? Those are beautiful sights. Remind s me of my ranch hand days at the 94 near Centennial WY in the summers of 62’ and 63’. Thanks for the reminder of some hard working GREAT days.