H&H 7-piece Special

In case you may not be on the e-mail system for Hook & Hackle, they are running a special on their 9’-0" Forecast 7-piece kits (4, 5 & 6 wt only) thru Monday at 4 p.m. for 30% off. This is an excellent price point. Go to http://www.mailordercentral.com/hookhack/products.asp?dept=127 for the kits with glues, or http://www.mailordercentral.com/hookhack/products.asp?dept=130 for kits w/o glues. Then click on the “Special Pricing” link for each rod to see the final cost (shipping additional).

No, I don’t get commissions or any perks from H&H, I’m just a frequent customer who like their 30% off sales and likes Forecast rods. I think they are a very good value for the money.
