Hook&Hackle has Guinea Hackle in the following colors:
Natural, dyed red, dyed orange & dyed yellow
Sorry, but, I forgot to check the price for you.
Michael’s (craft store) usually has packs of Guinea feathers in a variety of colors (all mixed in the pack). Green, red, pink, blue, and yellow if I recall correctly.
Maybe not the high quality stuff you’d get from a tying source but maybe good enough? Depends on what quality you need/want.
you might tye this site http://www.featherplace.com/ic/fp/item/ … nches.html I have never bought form them but they have a large amount of different colors of dyed Guinea feathers.
If you want large, premium guinea feathers for Spey or steelhead flies, check out the catalog of John Shewey, author of many books on those subjects and a distributor for the best feathers of many kinds I’ve ever used. He can be reached at jshewey@earthlink.net or his catalog downloaded with a Google search using John Shewey steelhead feathers as the search.
Feathercraft has guinea feathers, and they’re reasonably priced. I love Hook and Hackle to pieces, but their guinea feathers appear to me, to be of a lesser quality.
Angler’s Workshop has a variety of feathers not always seen in other catalogs.
FG…just took a quick look at Angler’s Workshop…they do indeed have those colors in both Guinea and Mallard …and also have the undyed Wood duck…
I do a lot of business with Angler’s Workshop, especially for steelhead and salmon fly materials. Great Service, reasonable prices and absolutely great materials.
No interest in the company, just a satisfied customer.
FG, the peacock herl at Michael’s is a lot cheaper than at a fly shop and works just as well. It’s also one of my favorite fly tying places. REE
Some of the hobby shops also have rabbit hides for two or three bucks. That’s a lot of zonker strips if you like cutting your own. I’ve found pure white and a variety of other colors as well…usually in a stack about a foot high so they have plenty to pick through to find just what you’re after.
I don’t recall seeing those at Michael’s, but I have purchased them from other hobby shops.
I have several very nice, dyed guinea skins that came from Mike Hogue at: http://www.eflytyer.com/
Mike is my “go to guy” for all sorts of “different” materials (i.e. check out his fox masks and tails).
In those years when Mike makes it down to the FFF Southern Council Conclave in Mountain Home Arkansas, I spend money on things all sorts of “neat” things that I “have to have” but didn’t know existed.
By the way, he has a good web site and is great guy to deal with.
Kyle Moppert
Being a fly tyer who is on a budget, I have to agree with Ron Eagle Elk and Fish Goddess, all kinds of great deals can be found at Michaels!!! If you tye with alot of foam, check out the prices on their foam sheets, and if you like beads check out the selection …
Saving a few bucks on tying materials enables me to support my FAVORITE flyshop when purchasing, speylines/flylines, rods, reels, you know all the good stuff!!
If I understand your question correctly, you are looking for dyed woodduck? Personally, I have never seen dyed wood duck(flank) being sold. If I misunderstood the question, sorry.