Guide and Tip Sizing

Rookie question for the day: How are guides and tip tops measured? What does 1 mean when I see that a guide is a size 1? Where do the measurments come from foot to foot, inside of foot to inside, does it have anything to do with height? Ok same thing with tip tops. I used some calipers to determine the size of my rod tip (3/16 for one and 1/8 for another) but can’t figure out what tip top size that corresponds to? Is there a chart or something I’m missing?

G Burg
I can’t help you on the snake question, but tip tops are sized in 1/64 ths of an inch. For example, a size 6 would measure 6/64ths. Hope this helps


Tops have two sizes, one for the ring and one for the sleeve. The sleeve portion is sized from 3 to 10 in “half steps”, like 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5 and so on. Size 3 is 0.047 inches and Size 10 is 0.156. The ring size is usually 4.5 to 6 in half steps, although larger ones are found on heavy rods. Size 4.5 is 0.098 and Size 6 is 0.161.

As far as the snake guides, they are sized from 4/0 to 6 in whole sizes. Size 4/0 is 0.118 inches and Size 6 is 0.354 inches in diameter, roughly. On guide sizes there are marginal discrepancies between manufacturers. Single foot and double foot guides are a whole different matter, unfortunately.

Let me know if you need any additional help.

TJ -

Thanks for clearing that up Jim. I was talking about the sleeve, not the ring size of the guide.