"Guestbook" question for our leaders

I have waited to post this as I know the changes to our site will continue, but I was just curious as to whether or not the Guestbook is on the list of upgrades, if it may be down the “priority list” somewhat, or if it may fall by the wayside? I know that Jack Hise & I often viewed it & emailed posters, inviting them to join the site and/or various activities.

Pretty tough Mike, but will keep it on the list. X-rated Spam was the reason I closed it. We were taking down half a dozen a day. There may be a way though; don’t give up. The problem is, they are registering and posting on the BB now, that takes more than just a ‘code’ word form.

Thanks for the reply. I thought it may have been closed due to some of the garbage that can be posted, but thought the “guestbook” heading would also have been removed if it were. That’s what prompted my question.

Sure Mike, we do get the occassional email for the GB now, but rare. Great that you guys were also e-mailing folks…