Groundhog Day

So what did Punxsatawney Phil discover today? Do we have 6 more weeks of winter or is spring right around the corner? Let’s get a report from those close to the little furball. Out here in sunny California I am mowing the lawn in shorts and a tank top.

We have a saying here at my office. When a worker doesn’t remember how to do something they surely knew the day before, we call it “Groundhog Day”.
And, appropriately enough they never catch on.

Well, marmotland is under many feet of snow, but all the little prairie dogs who stuck their heads up this weekend in the bright sunshine…well, we shot the little buggers.

Snow equals trout, so 6 more weeks of winter would be a good thing.

I saw Phil on TV today…what neat dubbing…wings…legs …etc.:cool::cool::cool::cool:

the Woodchuck Caddis :rolleyes:

In North Dakota in six weeks we will still have six more weeks of winter to go.:eek:

I know I always say that if I wake up on my B-day and then go back to bed, we have six more weeks of winter. I wasn’t feelin so good after all the Super Bowl refreshments, so I guess the snowmobilers will be happy around here for awhile yet. :wink:

That was not Punxsutawney Phil on the T.V. i know because I shot him last summer with my .30-06 high powered rifle. He was delicious too!

Damned RAT!!! 6 more weeks. I don’t think I’m gonna make it.
Will have to take my rod and go fishing for cats in the back yard…

It’s funny…they say six more weeks of winter. The next six days here in Ark are in the low 60’s…You think global warming had Phil confused??? :wink:


You know if it’s too warm for you out there we can open the back door and shoot some frigid air over to you!!! Would be all natural no electricity cost for the air conditioner and we’d love to share!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen:


Hey Fatman, Thanks but I think we have it coming at us now. It’s gonna rain for the next couple days and only get up to 53f. BTW, welcome to FAOL. I think you will like it around here. Jim

Actually been around for about 4 years, had to reset my account cause I got phished big time at home and didn’t want any of the problems to hit here or with folks who I had in my address book.

Took me 2 weeks to change all my different boards to the new email and all new passwords, it was a real headache.


Finally , a good reason to live close to the southern most trout stream in the U.S. Winter is only a day or two here or there.