Here is the video shoot I did with Jamie Durie and the crew from Australia’s “Sunday Night” TV on ABC. It was aired last Sunday. Turned out rather cool, too.
That was Very Interesting…Thank you for posting it.
Very cool. I was waiting for someone to make the link to climate change. It’s all our fault.
Very cool! Deb I didn’t know. You definitely are a survivor! It looks like Casey is taking up the mantle from Doug Suess.
Cool video. Next time we meet, an autograph will be in order. NOW, Deb, tell me , although it may not have helped in this case, did you have anything under your pillow (?)available to deter a bear? And, did the fatal attack take place before or after YOUR encounter? ( if you know)
Hopefully Illl be able to view this by weeks end as for the moment I’m restricted to my Palm Pre… I didn’t know he did anyother shows than the Victory Garden… But that shall change by weeks end too…Gonna be nice to have internet again… Hot spot on this thing is outragiously expensive!
I had bear spray. I do not carry fire arms, nor will I in the future. Statistically, they significantly decrease your odds for survival in a bear attack. I would not have been able to use it in this instance anyway. Also realize a bullet is not instant death to a bear and will most certainly turn an already very bad situation into a very much worse one. If a camper nearby had a gun and came running over with it to take a shot…chances of it hitting the victim is better than the chances of it bringing down the bear…and if the bear was hit…it’s going to kill everything insight before it goes down. It only takes a second. Bear spray is proven to be more effective. The kind of gun that will bring down a bear with a perfect shot is not going to be a hand gun. Chances of a panic stricken person pulling that off, isn’t good.
I was very aware I was in grizzly country. I kept the bear spray on me or next to me 24/7. When I was sleeping, it was by the door of the tent. Just to give you an idea…this is the tent. It’s a one man. It’s not unlike a bivy except I could sit up in it…barely. I usually slept with my face looking out the door, but at that point I had rolled over in my sleep. That may have been a good thing, too…except the bear spray at that point was behind me and between me and the bear. I could not reach it while the bear had me. The fly was flipped back. I only zipped it closed when it was raining, as I felt claustrophobic with it closed and it would build up a great deal of condensation. When the bear bit down on me, the tent literally exploded open and in an instant, it wasn’t there, other than under me.
Next time I camp in grizzly country…I’ll probably have one of these. Bear Electric Fences: UDAP Pepper Power
I had wondered about something like that for camping. We do something similar with the dumpsters up at Scout Camp. There has been a rather large black bear up there that really enjoys the dumpsters and has literally torn the metal lids off of them, even when locked and latched up in a supposed bear proof manner.
The ranger used a standard agricultural fence charger connected directly to the dumpsters. No bear problems for a month or two now.