Griffin Odyssey Spider vs Danica Danvise ?

Any comments? I’m looking for a rotary under $100 and these look like the 2 competitors. Thanks.

I like my Montana Mongoose cam, but check this out:

Odyssey Spider is probably good, too.

Raw69, I am the proud new owner of the Dan-vise. I never tyed with a rotary and am learning to love it. At the advise of a few FAOLers I also bought Al and Gretchen Beatty’s book, “Rotary Fly-Tying Technics”. Check out BT’s site on the FAOL sponsors page. They are good people to deal with. Jim

Can’t really go wrong here.

Both are good vises.

I prefer the Danvise because it feels more substantial. The ‘spider’ always felt ‘frail’ to me (I know it’s not, but feel is important, and it looks like I’d bend it if I pulled on the thread too hard).

But, the head on the Danvise is bulky (I didn’t have any trouble tying on one, though, so it wasn’t an issue for me).

You can learn to tie well on either.


I have both and I tie mostly on the spider because of the size. I like to use my danvise when I am tying up alot of streamers though. Like Buddy said you can’t go wrong with either!

I have the Odyssey and I really like it. I have tied on it for over 6 years without any problems. I like the low profile of the jaws, it lets me get my hands in close when tying size 18 or smaller.

I had to replace some screws a few years back, I got a little too close with the flame when melting some mono eyes. Griffin sent them to me for free, 3 day turn around. Made in the USA if that matters.

I have only seen the Danvise in pictures, so I can’t make a direct comparison…


Was that “Tying on one” OR “Tying one on”!:twisted::mrgreen::evil::mrgreen:



I have the Dan Vise and it is SUPER.
I also have a couple DynaKings. Look up the DynaKing Voyager or other products. They are very well made.


I agree, you can’t go wrong with either. I have the Danvise and love it. It is also really cool that Al B. will often chime in here at FAOL.