There’s going to be ongoing cane rod making, new this year, and Brian O’Keefe will be back. I missed his photography tips last time, but I hear the seesion was both wonderful and packed; arrive early!.
Last summer, late…Trico time… I had my truck parked in a farmers field (had permission to sleep overnight in the back…it was great and watched a nice 6 pt. buck munching alfalfa right outside the tailgate as it got black out!) right by a bridge.
As I was winding down after a long day onstream, sitting on the bridge munching a bag of fresh cherries and waving at the ocassional truck that drove by, I watched as a trio came working their way downstream to eventually get out by me.
I/they waved as they got out. A young gal and her husband…and their “guide” got out and talked amongst themselves and this “old guy” came strolling over and we had a good yak for around 5-10 minutes.
Yeah, turned out to be Tom Helgeson. Impressed me from the get-go. Very friendly and the couple was just a neighbor of his and he was just showing them a day on the water!
What a guy! I apologized for not recognizing him. “…such a celebrity…” I told him. You know how he can laugh!!
It will be good seeing all three of you again, and of course, all the others. One of these days maybe even I can set up at the tyer’s table. This is the one show I simply can’t miss. JGW