Grass Carp Fly

Has anyone (Help me Sister Carol) tied or tried the Sister Carol’s Grass Carp Fly? It calls for a 1/0 hook but that seems HUGE especially regarding what my Granddad taught me about carp. Any comments?

Don’t grass carp have a different mouth structure than what we usually think of as “bugle lips”?
…lee s.

I think the mouth structure is probably the same.
Kinda reminds me of a male RN I know. He went strictly veggie and got so bound up he missed work for a couple of days!
1/0 does seem mighty big.
A #4 floating veggie seems more approriate…if not smaller.

grass carp do have a different mouth structure. they are not shaped like a common carp at all. i am not an expert on grassers, only caught one while on business in FL (it took a leech). the few other times i’ve tried for them they spooked when I got the fly close. love to hear how others catch them, i have found grass carp the spookiest fish around.

I have caught mine on a # 4 mustad deer hair fly 1inch long 1/2 diam–the largest last fall over 12 pounds. Going to tie up a few green grass flies. When they mow the lawn the fish love to eat the newly mowings thqt fall in the water. BILL

I tied some of her Grass Carp flies for a guy and they worked well. Aparently on Bass as well. They caught one that weighed in at 5 1/2 pounds.

If you want monsters …troll a bale of hay :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m joining this party pretty late, but I have caught 3 or 4 grass carp while bream fishing, I have caught them all on a wet fly, one was a nymph and at least one was probably a bream killer. The guys on the Ft. Lauderdale area regular fish the canals down there for grass carp. The use a fly that resembles a red berry that falls off some brush that grows along the canals down there. A plastic salmon egg fly, that float. I have made some up but have had an opportunity to return since.

That 1/0 hook is pretty big for the grass carp. I have land 2 in the 7+ lb. range on No. 8 Aberdeen hooks. But I was in a float tube they could drag me around. I have never uploaded a photo before so here goes that. If I were where I could catch grass carp on a regular basis I might be a ruined man, they really pull hard, but then so do catfish. And when I get to So. Florida I know where there are some baby tarpon in a pond on a golf course that I have had flies waiting 2 years to use.

Uncle Jesse,
Your photo came through OK! Nice fish!
Now about your float tube, how old is it??

I think I got that tube from Noah after things dried up a little. It’s probably around 10 years old, averaged four or five hours each Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon for most spring and summer days in the GA sun with a few trips to AZ. It’s a Caddis that the new company replaced with a new cover for a nominal fee when the fabric failed due to sun exposure. But with some Shoe Goo, some 400 denier nylon saved from some old cheap Cabelas waders and my wife’s sewing machine (when she was away) it’s hanging on the wall needing a little air.

The grass carp was around 7 1/2#, caught late in the year on a nymph of my own design on a 5/6 wt. Cortland rod with a White River [Bass Pro in house brand] reel and 4# leader.

BTW, Happy Father’s Day to all you guys who have children. I was bless with a great Dad that I lost in Feb., and am blessed two great kids. I hope you are all likewise bless. If you can go see your Dad by all means do so, if you can’t call him if he’s still around.

AND to all the Dad’s who are away from your family trying to keep the world safe, God bless you and yours.

heres a link to the fly for those of you who don’t know about it

yeah a 1/0 does seem a bit big. Cool fly though. Another great use for boa yarn.

I have a lake here local that has a good population of grass carp. I haven’t caught any on a fly but catch them (and turtles) fishing corn on the bottom. The biggest I have caught was around 17 1/2 pounds. Leeches seem like a good fly for them and check out:

Good carp info and a fly fishing section on their BB.
