Graphite difference?

Question for you…

What’s the difference between 96% graphite and IM6 graphite?

I think generation one graphite is refered to as 96% graphite. (I’m working from poor memory here) with a modulus of 36 or so million. IM6 is generation two with a modulus in the 40+ million range.


Could you refresh my memory about when graphite rods first came out in the 70’s
Was it that pure graphite didn’t work as good as a blend??

Something else that goes along with this thread that I’ve often wondered is why some companies call gaphite by generation numbers and others use IM denominations. Which generation are we in now? What does a generation tell someone about the aciton, strength, or fishable qualities of a rod? What about generations with a number and letter, for example IIIe?

Some of the questions are answered here:

and an article with Gary Loomis’ thoughts.

So if I understand this correctly, if I start out with 90 proof rum and add 50% of another beverage ( why on earth would I want to do that? :lol: ), I’ll still have 90 proof rum but only 50% by volume.

Best, Dave


Dave E,
That’s a great link. Thanks. It explains away some of my misconceptions.

“… What about generations with a number and letter, for example IIIe?”

when I first saw this in a catalog I wondered who Lile was. Then I got new reading glasses.