got to go fishing

had a chance to go fishing yesterday and tryout my new 3wt cast great and we had a mayfly hatch going on but cound not catch a bream out of the whole mess of mayfiles the only things chasing bugs were the local mallard ducks they were having a ball and were very entertaining so had good time but still want a fish to but a bend in my new rod. maybe saturday


Don’t worry you’ll get a fish to put a bend in that rod before the season is over unless you’re a really unlucky person :p:p


I went out Wednseday and all I got was cold! At least I got my new boat wet and some practice with my new Sage outfit.


Went friday and got skunked myself. I think its just one of the reasons we go again the next day.

Good deal!!! We still have ice in Ohio. Some lakes are stating to open up:(

I got test out my 2 wt on Wednesday. Couldn’t help but try, 70 degs, sunny, light breeze. I caught 3 gill in an hour. It was a good day…and today it snowed… Oh well, spring is on the way.