Got some stuff for Christmas...mostly fly tying.

I got some goodies for Christmas.

*Renzetti “the Apprentise” vice.
*Fly Tying for Beginners book by Peter Gathercole (seems very good)
*Tying Jack Dennis’ Favorite Flies DVD (its very good, I already watched it, but its a double DVD and there is a duplicate episode of “Amy’s Special” on both DVD’s) :roll: :lol:
*A few tools (scissors, hackle plier, bobbin, whipfinisher rotable), and a kit full of various hair/feathers/wire/etc/etc that seems to be exactly what was used in the Jack Dennis DVD.
*Golden Pheasant Complete Head (that is cool)

I don’t know the how good everything is but seems like an ample setup for a beginner. :smiley:

Welcome. Keep us informed. It’s going to be fun for you.

Welcome to fly tying. If you continue with this hobby, it may become an addiction. You will never have the exact tying material you need so you spend your lunch money and lunch hour at the flyshop. You get to the point where you can’t watch the ball game or a movie without tying at the same time. You won’t fish a fly unless you tied it. At some point, you won’t need a fly tying book or recipe. You will simply sit and tie until you create your own masterpiece.

Wow so I just got done searching the net for what I got. :shock: I think some people deserve an extra special Thank You this year. Some of that stuff is expensive.

The vice is definately more expensive than some of the competitions stuff for beginners, but does it stand up to the competitions stuff at the same price? I only ask because its the cheapest vice from Renzetti and I know nothing about anything.

I guess the DVD and the kit all came as one. That is a very nice kit to my untrained eyes.

You better believe it’s a nice kit!! Renzetti is a great vise. The tools you got will tie flies for years and years. Feathers, you’ll need to restock as new flies strike your fancy! But that’s always fun!!

Welcome to the site, to the tradition of flytying, and to the beginning of a lifetime of enjoyment.

So the cycle of addiction goes on. :frowning:
Please ,please stop the cycle before it gets out of hand. :shock:
Send all , and I do mean all(especially that cute little Renzetti)to me and I assure you that I will dispose of all of it accordingly.
If you continue on the road you seem to be going(did’nt you mention somthing about bobbins? no matter send them too) on I am here to tell you that there is no end in sight .
Oh sure sure a few partridge feathers today do’nt seem at all like a big deal but todays partridge turns into tomorrows bird of paradise and let me tell you they dont just give that stuff away( did you get any bird of paradise ? no matter send it too).Take a warning , Im only here to help. :lol:
Should you choose to ignore my warning, well, I guess I’ll just have to try and beg a few flys from you when we meet on the crick.
You are gong to have a ball.

p.s That Renzetti will out last you , read the directions. If you dont than you will most assuredly wreck it and then even I wont take it. :cry:

Wow, Santa really loves you! Make certain to visit the sponsors page from the main page of this site for your tying needs.

p.s That Renzetti will out last you , read the directions. If you dont than you will most assuredly wreck it and then even I wont take it. :cry:

Instructions? :?

It tells me to make sure the cam is straight down when the hook is held firmly to prevent damage.

Is there anything else I should know? Its the same idea as a vice grip right? Screw the head to about the right size and the use the cam to lock it tight. Right?

Check P.M. on Renzetti.