There are lots of things you can find for fly fishing and fly tying at the ‘Dollar Tree’ (everything is $1, hence the name) Store. Today I happened to be near our local store and thought I’d wander in and look around. I found something that might interest some of you. In the children’s toys isle there were containers containing 250 FOAM beads for crafting kids jewelry. The shapes of the beads are stars, squares, and 3 different size round cylinders. Every piece is about 1/4 inch thick and has a tiny hole though the center. The foam itself is very lightweight and the shapes come in 6 colors. It seems as if the round cylinder beads, especially the tiny ones, would be perfect to use as indicators. Just insert the leader through the hole at any point along its length and lock it in with a piece of toothpick. The other shapes can be used for indicators too, for tying, or any other use you may think of. Oh, almost forgot. The container also includes a length of transparent craftlace. It’s thin, clear, stretches and can be used for tying.
Have fun.