Hi all! Me and my dad are building a trout rod for me and I was wondering if anyone had any good reel suggestions. I am looking for a reel somewhere under 250 and works really well in trout streams. I have been looking at this reel, http://www.rossreels.com/products/rhythm/rhythm.cfm If anyone has a good reel suggestion that would be great!
Ross makes good reels so this one will be satisfactory. I don’dt have this particular reel but have several different Ross Reels and they are all just fine.
Ross has a good reputation for quality and service. The Reels themselves are bomb proof.
an orvis batenkill bar stock
galvan rush
lamson radius
lamson velocity
g. looms east fork( those are nice looking reels)
hope that helps
I have a Rythym series reel but it had some serious drag issues. When it would get wet, the drag would completely fail. I was told by Ross that a number of them made it out of the factory with defective drags. They’ve promised to replace it and if I ever get my lazy butt to the post office, i’ll have a new reel. Ross has since remedied the drag problems with those reels, (mine was a first year one) and I would say they are very nice. In addition to the reels flyandtie suggested, I would also recommend the Teton/Tioga’s, Ross CLA, Orvis Battenkill Mid Arbor and the Bauer Super Lite (which may be a tad bit more).
If you think about the Orvis Battenkill Mid-arbor – I think is cost about 150 – however, the same reel can be had for alot less by buying the Pfleuger Trion. I bought the Midarbor and my friend bought the Trion – then, we tried exchanging the spools. Guess what, they are a perfect match. Pfleuger cheaper and a little different cut out pattern – otherwise not difference.
I’m in love with my Nautilus Featherweight and with my Ross Cimarron.
Take a look at the Abel Creek large arbor. Also the Abel Trout Series which was discontinued but still may be available at some shops. You might be able to find them on ebay. Both are very well built and beautifully finished.
Trout should be caught on a classic reel with a C&P drag.
If your dad is willing, or you have the money to buy yourself a Rhythm; go for it. I have a few of the Rhythm’s older brother; the Evolution and they are fantastic reels. The only “reel” difference between the Rhythm & the Evolution besides price is the weight. I use them on my light weight graphite rods and they balance great as will the Rhythm.
Ross reels look good, have a velvety smooth drag, (what ever the heck drag is for), Swiss watch-like click, and a great warranty.
While there are PLENTY of choices out there; I doubt you’ll find much better.
While I definitly agree with Gramps on the click & pawl; you’re probably younger than both of us and want some of the “features” of the newest reels. When you get to be an old geezer like me; you’ll want the click & pawl Hardy’s…
…if you can afford them…
Good luck with your new stuff!
Go to the 4sale board and buy that Tibor Spring Creek for $200
There is an Elkhorn T1 reel which is a nice reel to consider as well.
Another vote for the Trion. I love mine, and have an extra spool so I can use it on a couple of rods.
IMO, if you are only fishing for trout, there is no need for getting extravagant on your reel. You are better using the extra cash on rod, line and flies and/or some time with a guide or casting instructor.