Good Online souce for Daiichi hooks?

My local shop that carried Daiichi closed. The other one, carries mainly Tiemco. Anyone use Daiichi hooks and have a good online source that’s reasonably priced? I found, and Feather Craft carries them.

I know switching to Tiemco is a option I am considering. I have tied all my trout flies mostly on Daiichi and would not mind staying there.

Let me know where yo get your Daiichi hooks? I know Daiichi is a FAOL Sponsor. . . .


Try DaiRiki. Half the price and they haven’t failed me yet.

I stock up on mine at the Michigan Fish-In at Gates each year.
You could always contact Rusty and see if He’ll mail you what you need.
J Stockhard carries them in packs of 25.
I buy from Rusty in the 100 packs.

try anglers sport group

I’ve found them at Sportsmans Warehouse in the past. Sometimes cheap if they have a bargain bin.

Many of the best hooks seem to be manufactured in Korea, not Japan as it once was. Pay attention to where they’re manufactured and you may find some good pricing.


Sportsmans Warehouse has a large selection. it’s just irritating every time I go in there. There must be 200 pegs of Daiichi hooks. Most out of order. I was looking for scud hooks, Daiichi 1120 in size 16. They had 1120’s in 10,12,14 and 18. NO 16’s!! I asked the guys in the fishing area if they were getting more in, and they went to the back room to see if they had some. They came out and told me this: “We don’t stock them, they dont sell” . . . . I told him that they has 1120’s in other sizes, they were missing 16’s and again, he told me they dont stock that size.

Well in arkansas tailwaters, a #16 scud is a pretty common fly. Stupid marketing people that make stocking decisions.

I guess I can get what they do have, as the price is great, but I’ll have to web order the things they don’t carry.

the bearlodge angler (site sponsor) carries them

You got that right… half the time you have to look over three rows to find the same hook in a different size…

I bought a bunch of Daiichi hooks, I believe from J Stockard. Give them a look see.

TCO Flyshop here in PA has a great selection…


Having run a couple retail stores, DO NOT rule out CUSTOMERS as being the culprit here.