Goldmine and Pig Sticker

I tried to post two images alone, sans comment. But the forum software said my message was too short.
A word is worth a thousandth of a picture? These are last week’s snowstorm outcome.

The Goldmine

The Pig sticker


I really like that “Pig Sticker” Very creative tying. Nice looking flies. Thanks for posting

Goldmine again, this time with a one-material body.
Hook, thread, rubberlegs, hook, weight and body material…which is snipped from a bass tube. And CA glue.

Very nice looking.
However, the Pig Sticker name is already taken. It’s a worm imitation used on the Bighorn.

If you go to Google Images and type in “Pig Sticker Fly” an image of my fly comes up ahead of theirs.
I’ll call the Big Horn Trout shop and let them know. They’ll have to change the name of that worm now for sure.

When I google pig sticker, I get Charlie Craven’s site, and this fly:

That tutorial has been there since 2005. Maybe you should call you’re fly the “fuzzy pig”, or the “big eye sticker”, or something.

Just because he got there first doesn’t mean I have to back down.
Justice is an antiquated concept.

I’ll call my Philadelphia lawyer.

I just don’t see the pig in that sticker?? Maybe you should add some smelly jelly and a snout if you’d like to take the name away from a fly that’s been around a bit??

Well played!
How do you tie this thing? In dyed olive/grizzly, I’m seeing a damsel nymph.

I’m still thinking about how to handle this name conflict. One Pig Sticker is a Don Juan Worm–I mean San Juan Worm–like thing,
while the other is a streamer. So maybe the same name twice is OK because the two names modify different categories.

Else maybe I need to call my old acquaintances from New Jersey.
Else I’ll have to give up and choose a new name. Perhaps Slinkie will work.

How to tie it:

That fly looks like a real worm!!