A very simple, but effective fly in many circumstances, and relatively easy to tie as well.
Step 1:
The use of lead-wire is optional, here I have used about 12 windings round the shank of the TMC 3761 size 12 hook.
Tie in a tail, found at the side of the hares-mask, the so called whiskers.
The tail should be approx half the length of the hook-shank.
Tie in a few fibres from a pheasant-tail feather, pointing over the eye of the hook, see picture below.
Tie in a length of gold oval tinsel, and dub a body with the soft hairs you will find in the centre of the mask, or at the base of the ears.
Rib the body with the tinsel. I usually rib in the opposite direction of the dubbed body, in order to prevent the tinsel to dissapear between the dubbing.
Form a loop with your tyingthread, take some longer hairs from the mask, spin the dubbing-twister and form a thorax with this loop. You will see that this forms a nice rough thorax.
Cover the thorax with the pheasant-tail fibres, finish the head and the fly is ready to be used.
Happy tying and tight lines,