Goin' to Tennessee

I’m leaving tomorrow morning (from Sidney, BC, Canada) at oh-dark-thirty to spend a few days in the Smoky Mountains, followed by several more at a home on the Cumberland River, northeast of Nashville on the way to Old Hickory Lake. Is there a good reason I should pack my travel rod and a few flies? What flies?


There is some real good trout fishing in the smokeys. I would recommend some of the following flies.


Blue Wing Olive (BWO) #16 - #20
Parachute Adams #16 - #18
Thunderhead #14 - #16
Royal Wulff #14 - #16
Elk Hair Caddis Black #14 - #18

Nyumph Patterns

BH Tellico #12 - #16
BH Pheasant Tail #12 - #18
Prince Nymph #12 - #14
Hares Ear Nymph #12 - #16
Tungsten Rubberleg Copper John #14 - #16
Quasimodo Pheasant Tail #16 - #18

I would also carry a few Green Weenies #16

Also a visit to Little River Outfitters in Townsand. http://littleriveroutfitters.com/

You can get a fishing report on there site. John

Leaving Sydney is the best advice I can give you.
Ha ha :lol: I actually used to catch shrimp of the dock at Sydney when I was a kid. :lol: :lol:

With the Cumberland and Old Hickory, you’re talking mainly warm water fishing. The Cumberland this time of year is known for it’s striped bass, but you’re talking big fish and big flies. Old Hickory and even from shore on the Cumberland should still be good for panfish, Bream(sunfish), crappies, and also bass
You didn’t mention the wgt of your travel rod. I would include some small to medium poppers, some Sneaky Petes, small streamers, wooly buggers. A bunch a nymphs were already mentioned. I would carry a few of them in sizes 8-10, especially the Green Weenie. I’m pretty sure there a couple of fly shops in the Nashville area. Check when you get there

The Cumberland River in Kentucky is where all of the trout are. There are much better warm water streams around Nashville than the Cumberland. Most of them end up flowing into it, though. Always remember some Wooly Buggers, especially in olive.

Wait a minute. What am I saying? There ain’t no fish in Tennessee. None at all. Don’t waste your time. We got no fish here. :twisted:
Forget about that confounded Warrenp and his days of catching 50+ trout. :wink:

I gotta get back out by the intersection to beg from passing pickup trucks. “Brother, can you spare a bluegill?”

P.S. Last time I counted, there were 4 fly shops in Nashville and I think that there is still one in Hendersonville. Of all of these, only one is fly fishing only. That one is Fly South. There are also fly shops in Cumberland Transit, Bass Pro, and Game Fair Ltd. I hope that things are going, or went well for you.