Gnu Bee- I was laughing so hard I almost started crying!! Great article, I’ve had a similiar experiences, just not quite to that degree!!! LOL
I found Roger’s article to be a tough read. The tears of laughter made all the words melt together. Well done Roger.
Gnu Bee, … Great read.
LoL here alone in the office. … I think the security guards are starting to look at me funny like. :?
Hey GBF,
My usual comment, when appropriate, " nicely writ"
Laughed my butt off good article
Thank God I married a gal with three sisters who hate fish, fishing and any conversation about either. She goes to her boring family events alone most of the time, and they all married golfers or drunks, or a combination of the two. None of them owns a single fishing rod.
I am truly blessed to have four brothers (no sisters) who all hunt and fish competently. Dad taught us well.
Sorry you had to learn the hard way. Your father-in-law tried to tell you…:roll:
Great article. Keep them coming.
Yep he sure did. lol As I recall he also said of the gruesome threesome . "I may not be the smartest person around here but I know stupid when I see it "
I was just not paying attention I guess. :lol: