Given Wood duck feathers

What can I make from barred wood duck feathers?
Any links to recipes?

Barred with black stripes at end of feather.

Check in FAOL’s fly of the week patterns for a cajun coachman.


Far as wet flies you can tie the following:

  1. The cobbler
  2. Wood Duck
    3)Toma Joe
  3. Soo Nippi
  4. Cassard
  5. Sabbatus

These are just a few patterns off the top of my head.

Hi Big Bad Wulff,

The tail of the Edson Light Tiger is barred wood duck.

To find the pattern and see a picture do a search, and type in “Edson Tiger Light pattern.”

It is on global fly fisher site. An article will come up on the patterns of Edson, and at the bottom of the article is a list of patterns that you can click on.

The Edson streamers are classic trout streamers, Edson tied commercially quite a few years ago. I don’t know the range of years that he sold his patterns over, but am fairly sure that he was quite active during the 60s. He had a small flier/catalog you could get through the mail.

I carry Edson tigers, both Edson Tiger Light and Edson Tiger Dark, and a few other classic streamers for trout, but don’t fish them much. This year I intend to carry more streamers, including more classic streamers, for warm water. The article reminds us that the reason that the Edson Tigers are still tied, is that they are effective. I hope to tie up some small ones for bluegills this summer and give them a go for gills.

Tie up some tigers, they are a hoot to tie, and really look neat in the fly box.



Ok. Thanks!

they are used most commonly in classic salmon flies. cant think of many other flies…

Many Classic wet flies use barred wood duck. These wet flies work as well today as they did in the past. Here’s a link:

Click on: Hendrickson dark & light, Cahill dark & light, Gordon.

There are also many others. Good luck.

The hendrickson or gordon do not incorporate Barred Wood Duck into the wing. Simply plain old Wood Duck flank feathers are used. The origional post is asking about true Barred Wood Duck and looking for some patterns to use it in. Yes who ever mentioned Salmon Flies is correct. Also wet classic winged wet flies is another. some of the patterns as previously listed are:

  1. Beatrice
  2. Cassard
    3 Cobbler
  3. Dennison
  4. Holberton
  5. Moose
  6. Romeyn
  7. Sabbatus
  8. Silver Ghost
  9. Soo Nipi
  10. Tomah Joe
  11. Von Patten
  12. Wanderer
  13. Wood Duck
  14. Bob Wilson

These are just a few patterns that should keep you busy. Now if you get into tying Salmon flies then we can add a whole lot more patterns. Barred Wood Duck is a very precious item. When wet fly tyers and Salmon fly tyers get these feathers we treat them with care and choose the patterns that we wish to tye very wisely.