Getting ready for summer smallmouths, largemouths, and pickerel

I’ve been playing around with deer hair this early winter - in the process of replacing all the bass bugs in my fly box. Here are a few of the new ones:

Very pretty. I can’t believe that you’re going to let mean ole pickerel with their big nasty teeth chew on those beautiful flies;) Nice work!

James, they hold up pretty well, I use head cement to secure every stack of hair and then apply UV to protect the belly, collar, and “face” of the fly. At the end of the season I will steam all the bugs and re-shape whatever is needed with a double-edged razors. The really beat up ones get the knife. Time consuming flies, but I love the end result.


Yes sir. Real beauties.

Eye candy for sure. Thank you for sharing. I am also certain they will catch fish.


Nicely done; tight and compact.


Beautiful flies, nice job. Not only does you talent exceed mine but without a doubt also your patience.

Playing around! My heavens!!! I wish I could play that well!
Great ties Alberto!

Beautiful!! Great bugs as usual. The rodent is really cool looking.


Dennis - the mouse needs some refining. My youngest calls it a Porcupine fly.


GREAT work Alberto!
Not sure about porcupine, but it do resemble a smurf to me… :slight_smile:
…lee s.

REALLY NICE! Thanks for sharing! :smiley: