Getting into salt...

Would like to get into salt water fly fishing. Mainly in the FL area. Any info would be greatly apprieciated. Flies, locations to try from the bank/surf. Have been talking to a few fly shops and reading whatever I can get my hands on. Can you fly fish effectively from the bank/ surf in the FL area? I.E. Pensacola, Destin or fT. Walton area? Would like to make monthly trips to find out more about it. Have fished a lot of salt but with conventional tackle out of a boat. But my boat doesn’t do salt. I have the nine weights and I tie my own flies, would like to know more. Also , Casting distances, besides as far as possible. I understand accuracy and presentation just wondering what kind of distance I need to work up to. Thanks, Gary


Can’t help you on Fla. locations but as far as casting distance for salt water flats fish…the premium is on accuracy and getting the line out with only one or two backcasts. If you can throw 60 feet with accuracy and get it out there quickly, you will be just fine is most flats situations. Of course, the wind is almost aways blowing, so your practice should include various wind directions and speed.

come into the chat room, great guide from Ft. Walton comes in. Captain Paul Darby. Excellent.

Welcome to the board Crash, you’ll find a lot of great information here. I can’t help much on locations either, but agree with the every thing that’s beens said so far. TYhere’s a locations board you can post to to get more area info.

You may want to consider using a stripping basket to keep your fly line clear when wading, and keeping it off the coral and out of the grass if you’re on land. It’ll add some distance to your cast. You can buy fancy smanchy ones or make your own. I use a rubbermaid dish tub and a divers weight belt. Just cut 2 slits in one of the long sides of the tub and run the belt (or shock cord)through them.

As far as flies for your 9 weight, here are some easy ties for fish that might come your way while fishing from shore. (Note that you’ll need a Fla license if you’re fishing without a guide). Tie up some of these:

Clousers, some with brass bead chain eyes (for shallow water), some with lead eyes (for deeper water) in all chartreuse, and tan/white in size 1 and 2. A great all around fly for puffing along the bottom for everything that swims, including bones.

Lefty Deceivers in blue/white, and olive/white, size 1/0.(Add some in all black if you plan to fish at night.) Jacks, Baby Tarpon, Spanish Mackeral, snook, sharks etc., etc.

Bendbacks for weedy areas in red/yellow (for dark stained shallow water) and green/white for weeds in clear water. Size 2.

In addition to the above, you may also want to add some:

Puff type bone fish flies (in Dark Brown, Tan, and Pink) size 2 if you plan to fish in a lot of sandy bottoms where you’re hoping to run into bones and permit.


Sal-Mar-Mac type flies in green/white size 2/0 to push stained water in canals for snook, baby tarpon etc.

You’ll find recipes and instructions for these on the fly archive section here at FAOL. Saltwater flies are marked with a " * " after their name.

Good luck!


There are a number of good sand flats along the Gulf Coast that are wadeable.

You’ll need to up-grade your gear for saltwater. An 8-weight rod and corrosion-proof reel should be adequate for the conditions you described.

Plan on doing a lot of sight casting. Also be prepared to make longer casts, ie 40 to 60 feet, with weighted flies.

In lieu of wade fishing, consider a canoe of kayak. A number of folks in FL are giving up on the expensive flats boats and going the way of canoes of kayaks.

Tight lines.