Thank you P.G.C. for the wholesale slaughter of our doe population for the last three years. I took the week off to hunt deer and haven’t seen a single one, dead or alive, yet! So, it’s back to fly fishing to save the rest of my week. :x
Makes me wonder what kind of stupidity the P.F.B.C. has in mind for our fisheries. :evil:
Eric I know just how you feel about the slaughtering of the doe population. There is a game unit here in Oregon on the east side that we use to drive over to every year after Thanksgiving to look at all the deer that migrate into the area for the winter. We have some great video of some awesome mule deer bucks. They opened it up for doe hunts several years ago and now you can drive over there and are lucky to see a dozen deer where there were hundreds of them in the past. Now they are closing down the doe hunts in that unit because of the lack of deer. Go figure.