Garage Sale Hurrah!

Posting this as a hurrah, as I think I did great at the g-sales this weekend. Went to a sale and picked up a couple of older glass rods, nothing special, at least I don’t think they were all that special.

One of them is an Actionglas rod, and the other is unknown. Blank has no markings other than a 3 digit number and a sticker with 2 words on it. The first word is unreadable, but the other is Crest…maybe made by the toothpaste manufacturer?

The real hurrah is that both rods came with Pfleuger Medalist reels. A 1494 which, from the excellent FAOL article by Richard Komar, seems to be a 1960’s era 3 rivett model and a 1495 which has 6 rivetts and dates to the 50’s?? I know they are not worth much, but I have always wanted one, for display if nothing else. They are both right hand retrieve, which I don’t know if I could get used to. The 1494 is in really good condition.

Anyway, just wanted to share with y’all. Never spent a better $20.

Anyone else ever get a good g-sale day?


It’s always nice to find a little treasure every now and then:^)

Maodiver, if you want to use those Medalists as left hand retrieve, contact Bill @ He sells a reversable drag plate to convert to LHW. I have done my 1494 and it’s wonderful.

Been to his site, and am definately considering that. Thanks for the heads up!

Good score maodiver…also you may find that the 1494 or 1495 are already ‘convertibles’ so maybe check it out. Those are bomb proof reels and great for trout, bass, even small steelhead.



I checked the 1494…it isn’t. The 1495 is too old? At least it seems like it from the article.

Dang, was hoping at least one of them would be…looks like you’ll have to go with Bakerloo’s idea.

