Galloup Streamer Line

Has anybody tried the Galloup Streamer line made by Teeny? Any likes/dislikes/experiences? Thanks.

I bought the 7/8 wt last fall. Fished it for big rainbows on the Kvichak River in SW Alaska with 5 inch articulating flesh flies. Absolutely awesome steamer presentation. I was fishing side by side with someone fishing a 24’ sink tip Rio line, and I had far better success. The line really keeps the streamer in the strike zone. I found though due to its short length (60’) that it is better for smaller water than the Kvichak. I was casting 40-60’ out, with a huge upstream mend when shooting the forward cast. Let all that line sink, and the fly was perfect for zone, and just stayed there.

I took this same line to Chile in October/November, and had great luck to with streamers. Used it both in lakes and smaller rivers. Best water depth seemed to be 3’ - 5’. Doesn’t really get down in those real deep holes like a heavy grain sink-tip. But perfect for that range of depth. One day on the Rio Figurora in Chile I was just nailing the fish (rainbows and browns) and it was so easy. I think it will be great line for pounding banks with streamers out of a drift boat, but haven’t done that yet. It really casts nice in the wind, as it is really thin. I look forward to using it some more.

Thanks for the reply. I usually fish streamers with Rio DC sink tips, but have been thinking of the Galloup line for pounding the banks - sounds like it will be perfect. Just curious but were you using the 7/8 wt on a 8wt rod? Did it load the rod OK? The reason I ask is because I’ll be fishing the line on a 6wt XP and I’m not sure if I should get the 5/6 or 6/7. I’m leaning towards the 6/7 because I’m not sure the 5/6 would be enought to load the rod.


I think I would get the heavier one for your 6 weight, but you could go either way. How deep is your typical water you are going to fish? If it is less than 4’, you might want to go with the 5/6. Both should cast fine, I have cast mine on my 9’-6" 6wt XP and it did fine didn’t feel that overlined, but seems better suited for my 7 wt XP. Since it is a constant diameter, and very thin, being a rod weight up or down is not going to be a big difference in casting effort. But I would not go much more than one wt off. Good luck.