A little different look from the standard deer hair body.
hook - WFC Model 3 #12
thread - Veevus 10/0 brown
tail - bronze mallard
rib - xsmall wire copper
body - peacock herl
underwing - Congo Hair Shiner Tan
wing - pronghorn
A little different look from the standard deer hair body.
hook - WFC Model 3 #12
thread - Veevus 10/0 brown
tail - bronze mallard
rib - xsmall wire copper
body - peacock herl
underwing - Congo Hair Shiner Tan
wing - pronghorn
Galloup Found Link (variation II)
Endless possibilities.
hook - WFC Model 3 #12
thread - Veevus 10/0 brown
tail - moose body
body - stripped hackle stem rusty dun/resin
thorax - Ice Dub hare’s Ear
underwing - Congo Hair Shiner Tan
wing - pronghorn
Galloup Found Link (variation III)
And so on. The sharptail shoulder didn’t add a whole lot so that’ll be omitted from now on.
hook - WFC Model 3 #12
thread - Veevus 8/0 tan
tail - hackle rusty dun
body - goose biot dyed tan
underwing - Congo Hair Shiner Tan
shoulder - sharptail
wing - pronghorn
Galloup Found Link (Carnage variation)
hook - WFC Model 28 #12
thread - Veevus 8/0 tan
core - 20lb mono
tail - moose body hair
body - 1mm foam tan
underwing - Congo Hair Shiner Tan
wing - pronghorn
Galloup Found Link (Purple Haze)
hook - WFC Model 3 #12
thread - Veevus 8/0 black
tail - moose body hair
body - turkey biot purple
underwing - Congo Hair Baitfish Gray
wing - pronghorn dyed purple (1 1/2 Tsp Rit Violet, 1 1/2 Tsp Rit Purple/1 cup water)
Very nicely done Scott, I really admire the imagination you put into your flies!
So much versatility, I love this pattern.
IMHO the sharptail shoulder in the Variation III is a great highlight. Nice fly.