FYI (not FF)


Yesterday I was a dog. Today Iā€™m a dog. Tomorrow Iā€™ll probably still be a dog. Sigh! Thereā€™s so little hope for advancement.

Iā€™m glad youā€™re dancing for joy.


I thought the Michigan Fish-In was at least PARTLY about FF ??

some days youre the dog, some days youre the hydrantā€¦




Your Royal Highness Of The House Of White Cheddar;
CONGRATS, of course, for your ā€œreason for doing the Happy Danceā€!
Couldnā€™t have received ANY better news, than that which you sent me, nor, could I be happier for you as a result!
Although, youā€™ve obviously overlooked what I mentioned earlier about doing The Happy Danceā€¦ you need a rubber chicken, peach marmalade and the lavendar, velvet, leotard, to do it properly.
Just ask, The Buckeye Bandiit, OhioMyFlyā€™sOpen and/or, Julia-Oven God-Valencic about the proper steps to make. They taught the dance, to me, and after all, it IS the ā€œNationā€™s Official Danceā€. (and, costume for peforming it).

Oh, my!!! Iā€™ll have to ask the boys at the FI for directions! And costuming!!

Actually, thoughts of that are scarier than Nurse Ratchet!