Fuzzy uggers and Tradition

Good ones, JC & LF:cool:.

I couldn’t locate any Images of a “Fuzzy Bugger”, but I located some Buggers.

Wooly Bugger Spinners: http://www.jerrysflies.com/members/1539927/uploaded/6-Pack-Wooly-Bugger.gif

Bead Head Bugger: http://swittersb.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/lfl-med-img_6100-aa.jpg

Conebugger: http://www.arricks.com/images/materials/cones/conebugger.jpg

Buggerbouncer: http://www.alaskaflyfishingonline.com/afb/Images/05olivebuggerbouncer.jpg

Western Canada Bugger: http://www.flyfisherman.com/westerncanada/bugger.jpg

Bead Rattle Bugger: http://kje.home.mindspring.com/bead_rattle/wb_vise_sm.jpg

Wooly Fur Bugger: http://www.fishingwithflies.com/FliesWithaStory/DSCN2869_WoollyFurBuggerWoodchuck-550.jpg

Wiese’s Bugger: http://www.parksflyshop.com/images/Flies/Wiese’s%20PT%20Bugger.jpg

Conehead Rubber Legs Wooly Bugger: http://www.riverbum.com/images/products/big/Wooly-Bugger-Cone-Head-Rubber-Leg-Brown-side.jpg

Hellcraws: http://www.goflies.com/images/Flies/hellcraws.jpg

Goblin: http://www.flyline.com/fly_patterns/streamers/goblin/goblin.jpg

Bipolar Bugger: http://www.mwflytying.com/Images/fly_picts/bipolar_flies/polar-bugger.gif

Estaz Fly: http://www.hffa.net/sitebuilder/images/WhiteMarabouEstazFly-600x352.jpg

Egg Sucking Leech: http://business.virgin.net/fly.shop/bugger-blackeggsuckingleech.jpg


I am strangely put in mind by your post of my training back in my communication years of, before going on the air, saying, “rubber baby buggy bumpers” six times very fast and then saying, “toy boat” six times without screwing it up. (toy-boit often came up). I have considered, since there seems not to be one, proclaiming that I, J. Castwell, am /is the ‘Zar’ of it all. I will name all the flies and how they shall be tied and put a stop to all the bickering and ugly confusion.


I must be a bluegill guy at heart. I only carry one named fly. It’s the “One that worked yesterday”. Of course it comes in many varieties, colors and shapes. Knowing all that just adds to the confusion.


You’ll certainly get my vote and/or support for the ‘Ending the Usueless Confusion over Fly Patterns Czar’.

Somebody need to do it.

I’d do it, but I’m way too lazy and no one takes me seriously anyway (most folks are smarter than they look).
