furling leaders

hey all,

anyone have any good links to sites that tell you how to furl leaders??
or insrtuctions to make one?? and if it helps i will be making them from uni-thread.

i would really like to try one, i have never made em’ or bought one yet :shock:
but i will buy one soon if i cannot make my own


[url=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/freaner/furling/furled.htm:54c1d]Here[/url:54c1d] is where I started and then branched out to elsewhere but I don’t remember where. Also don’t forget to get Kathy Scott’s video on making them A review is on FAOL somewhere. Enjoy.

My son has played with furled leaders. he made some pretty good ones from this site. :slight_smile:


He started out with nylon thread from wallmart it was inexpensive and easy to use for trial and error.

Jack Hise also sent me a nice one which I have enjoyed fishing.


Here is a good site with a lot of information.



Here the site that I went to when I started:


thanx for the links guys!

hmm i looked at them all and they look pretty tuff , but i’ll give it a shot 8)

Chris…you probably saw this but this thread gets into this topic…


Check Warren’s post …especially re: Kathy Scott’s DVD…if you use it as he says it simplifies things …then all these sites become more useful…

and don’t get hung up on the board …you can do it many ways…I used [and still do] an 8ft cupboard board I had …only 4" wide…it’s fine…and I’ve got multiple peg positions on it…

Lots of ways to skin this cat…

And I’d like to thank Warren and Jack…after I had Kathy’s DVD they “walked me though” some things and were a great help. 8) 8) 8)

As you can see there is a wealth of information on furled leaders and it can get confusing. Kathy’s DVD will be a big help.
You can build the board for less than the cost of a furled leader and the materials/threads are very inexpensive.
My board is also adjustable. I make 5’ leaders for my short rods and 6’ 6" or 7’ for the long rods.
Most of us use Kathy’s formula of 10/8/6


Thanks for the nice words, guys. Hope that our paths just might cross in Michigan; maybe :slight_smile: David and I are off teaching a cane class in NY soon, and it’ll be cutting it close.

By the way, I’ll have one of my furling boards along in the Catskills, so if anyone wants to stop by the Museum I’m sure the rodmaking can survive without me for a furled leader break. I’d love to learn your new tricks, and be happy to show any new furlers an easy way to make them. flyandtie??



Hope to meet you some day. I have finally met Karla. She is a wonderful person and I am glad I had a chance to meet her.

Maybe at the Tennessee Fish-In…Hint, Hint